Transmission electron microscopy investigation of acicular ferrite precipitation in γ′-Fe4N nitride
作者:    发表时间: 2014-07-01   阅读次数: 1735次

Transmission electron microscopy investigation of acicular ferrite precipitation in γ′-Fe4N nitride


X.C. Xiong, A. Redjaïmia, M. Gounéb


Abstract: Acicular-shaped crystals precipitate from γ’-Fe4N nitride in an iron–nitrogen alloy and were identified by electron microdiffraction as α-ferrite. Acicular ferrite develops both the Nishiyama–Wassermann and the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relationships with γ’-Fe4N nitride. These orientation relationships were discussed in terms of the symmetry theory. The driving force for acicular ferrite formation was related to the increasing nitrogen content of γ’-Fe4N, in equilibrium with α-ferrite, with decreasing temperature. The passage from lamellar to acicular structure in Fe–N system was proposed.

Transmission electron microscopy investigation of acicular ferrite precipitation in γ′-Fe4N nitride.pdf

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